Celebrities hacked iclouds photos
Celebrities hacked iclouds photos

Customers generally recover forgotten passwords by providing information or answering questions about themselves. "Knowing those photos were deleted long ago, I can only imagine the creepy effort that went into this." One plausible explanation for a wide breach of private photos is by way of a password-retrieval system, said Woodrow Hartzog, who teaches privacy at the Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. "To those of you looking at photos I took with my husband years ago in the privacy of our home, hope you feel great about yourselves," actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead posted on Twitter. The hackers promised to post more photos, Time reported. Actresses Selena Gomez and Kirsten Dunst also were among the cache, Time Inc. The celebrities hacked in the recent breach included reality TV star Kim Kardashian and singer Rihanna, the Telegraph reported. Later that same year, technology journalist Mat Honan wrote about how security flaws in cloud-computing services let attackers compromise his AppleID account and erase all the data on his iPhone, iPad and MacBook, including family photos. Apple drew heat from fans because it knew about the bug for two months before issuing a fix, a gap that let the infections spread. In 2012, more than 600,000 Mac computers were infected by hackers who used a vulnerability in Java, the widely used programming language that is administered by Oracle Corp. If a hacker "had access to an influential person's address book, a movie or production company's contacts, or some talent agency's data, from there they could have phished a few movie stars, gotten more addresses and so on." Previous HacksĪpple and its products have been hacked before. "A garden variety hack into a celebrity's PC might find photos in unencrypted backups, or even just as files on the PC," Hope said. Backups sent to Apple are encrypted, he said.

celebrities hacked iclouds photos

"For most things, that's probably a good thing but for things that are sensitive, that's a problem." Backups of iPhone data stored on personal computers and laptops aren't automatically encrypted, said Paco Hope, a principal software security consultant in London for Dulles, Virginia-based Cigital Inc. "The data are leaving the devices that are in your possession and are now being stored on a server elsewhere," Neuman said yesterday in a telephone interview. Either way, some users may not understand when and how they are using such services, especially during the set-up. The risk to iCloud users will depend on whether the breach happened within Apple's security or within the celebrities' personal accounts, said Clifford Neuman, director of the University of Southern California's Center for Computer Systems Security. With $38 million Ferrari, classic car market revs up

Celebrities hacked iclouds photos